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Mad Hatter Coffee and Tea


Mad Hatter
Medicated Coffee and Tea

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Website: mad hatter website link
Locations: Colorado


About Mad Hatter Coffee and Tea

Our Mission The Mad Hatter Coffee & Tea Co. has been alleviating pain since the late 80's, it has since evolved and been refined.....we began with the idea to facilitate self medication without smoking Medical Marijuana. It is known that both Coffee and Tea have beneficial side effects, we add a recipe of Organic spices that reflect our passion for alchemy, that are also known for their medicinal value, increasing blood circulation, endorphin reaction , countering the depressant characteristics of Medical Marijuana as well as enhancing Flavor and Aroma.

"on the go" day use, our Decaf Indica blends are good for patients who are bed ridden or with disabilities, or as a pleasant night cap for a solid night sleep without a hangover.





Types of Edibles: Medicated Coffee and Tea

Dispensary Locations: Colorado

Edibles Made of: Co2 Concentrate

Strain Used: Available in Indica, Sativa, Hybrid

Edibles Made With: Concentrate

Tests for Potency: Yes - Tests for Potency

Measurement if Applicable: Various Dosages Available


Vegan or Vegetarian: Yes

Nutritional Facts Available: Yes

Certified Kitchen: Yes - Edibles Are Made in a Certified Kitchen

Price: $$

Good For:
Pain, Anxiety, Stress, Discrete Medicating




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